Marcom Training BEST WESTERN Indonesia

all participants with ADO management

BEST WESTERN Indonesia Area Development Office held marketing communication training on 3-4 April 2014 in Makasar City, BEST WESTERN Plus Makasar Beach hosted this marcom annual event couple days ago. This training was held in order to improve marcom skills and train marcom to be expert in their field. They have to implement all the training materials as soon as they back arrived in their property.

The participants of this event was trained by marcom experts such as Mrs. Andriana Hendrawati as Marcom BWI ADO that trained about job description, marketing plan and reporting; Writing Communication Skill by Fachruddin Palapa (Harian Fajar Compartment Coordinator & Journalistic Lecturer);  Public Speaking by Andi Fadli (Media Cnsultant & Lecturer); Social Media by Nugroho Iman (Lecturer & Sales Marketing of Kompas TV); Ethics and Protocol (by Dra Irwanti Said).

The first day of training was conducted by Mrs. Andriana as the opening of training she trained participants by the basic knowledge of marcom, training was continued by writing communication skill subject where participants had to created press release about their own property. The first day of training was closed by media visit to some medias in Makasar such as Tribun Timur, Koran Sindo, and Sun TV.

The participants on Koran Sindo and Sun TV representative office
Cluster Jakarta Marcom on Tribun Timur Office

The second day of training was full of knowledge where the training started by the morning til the evening. Started with the second day was ended by customer and media gathering that was held in Chill In Restaurant BEST WESTERN Plus Makasar Beach.
Media and Customer Gathering

Try some traditional dishes
Losari Beach in the night

In the pleasure time, the participants were excited to try some traditional Makasar dishes such as pisang ijo, coto makasar, nasi kuning, jalangkote etc and took some time to buy handicraft on local handicraft center lead by Mr. Dede (DOSM of BEST WESTERN Plus Makasar Beach). The participants also visited Pantai Losari, the trademark place of Makasar City.

This annual event was hopefully bring great knowledge to all participants and strengthen relationship all marcom in BEST WESTERN Indonesia. This event hopefully not only bring new knowledge but also new experience, friendship and memories for the all participants.

One Stop Leisure Hotel

BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran is One Stop Leisure Hotel :)

Enjoy your shopping and leisure experiences! get free drop off service to famous shopping and leisure destinations.

One of alternative stays that suits your family up.

Shop til you drop J

Alaya Massage and Spa Opening

BWGP (10/3), Alaya massage and spa is officially opened. The opening of Alaya Spa and Massage remarked by "tumpengan" and blessing that were attended by BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran's management and staff, also Alaya Spa's management and staff representative.

Alaya massage and spa as BWGP's newest officially facility is hopefully will bring something new and excitement for our guest who is seeking for calmness and relaxation whilst staying in our hotel.
Alaya massage and spa come with full treatments such as:
  • Traditional Heritage Massage
  • Rejuvenate Massage
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • Natural Healing
  • Body Glow
  • Body Sparkling
  • Couple Massage
  • Lovely Romance

get 15% special discount for all treatments on Alaya Spa only at BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran Hotel on Jalan Benyamin Suaeb Blok A5 Kemayoran Central Jakarta 10630.

Government Gathering

(Jakarta, 21/02) BEST WESTERN International Indonesia berkolaborasi bersama Jakarta Cluster Hotels mengadakan government gathering pertama yang mengangkat tema Indonesia Tempo Doeloe. BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran Hotel menjadi tuan rumah dalam acara government gathering pertama kali ini. Berlokasi di Jalan Benyamin Suaeb Blok A5, acara yang mengundang sekitar 300 tamu undangan dari kalangan pemerintahan ini memberikan nuansa Indonesia tempo doeloe yang kental. Hal ini dapat dirasakan dari dekorasi, hiburan, hingga makanan dan minuman yang disajikan. Acara yang memang dibuat sederhana namun bermakna, menggunakan konsep tea time break dimana acara diadakan pukul 15.00-18.00  waktu setempat. Acara ini dibuka oleh Bapak Agus Priyono selaku Direktur Industri Pariwisata Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif. Government Gathering ini diadakan untuk menjalin silaturahmi dengan klien-klien Jakarta cluster hotels khususnya dari kalangan pemerintahan.

Pemain Suling dan Kecapi Menyambut Tamu dengan iringan lagu tradisional
Sinden dan Pemusik yang menghibur dengan lagu-lagu daerah etnik yang unik
Hidangan Khas Indonesia disajikan dalam Government Gathering

penari daerah membawakan tari-tarian dari Nusantara

Tea time break diadakan di Outdoor area, tepi Lagoon Swimming Pool yang menjadi area kebanggaan BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran Hotel. Dihibur oleh berbagai penampilan seperti tarian dan musik tradisional, serta ditutup dengan berbagai games dan doorprize dengan hadiah yang menarik yang dipersembahkan oleh seluruh Jakarta Cluster Hotels yang berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. BEST WESTERN Jakarta Cluster Hotels beranggotakan BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran Hotel, BEST WESTERN Mangga Dua, BEST WESTERN Mega Kuningan, BEST WESTERN Serpong, dan BEST WESTERN Hariston Jakarta.  Acara kolaborasi pertama yang diadakan bersama ini diharapkan dapat mempererat kerja sama baik antara klien dengan properti maupun dengan properti yang satu dengan yang lainnya.

Media Visit to Kompas Gramedia Group

courtesy: Kompas Gramedia Group Documentation

Valentine's Day :)

“love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile”
“love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile”

Happy Valentine's Day,
BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Management & Staff

Java Jazz Special Package (Ticket + Hotel)

Price Includes:
2 nights stay at BEST WESTERN Grand Palace Kemayoran Hotel (include breakfast)
roundtrip airport transfer by private car
free: 3 day pass Java Jazz Festival (first come first serve)
daily transfer from Hotel to JIExpo